Dora Kuhn German Furnished Dollhouse
March 31, 2024
Acquired from Lynlott Miniatures
Furnished except for my 4 piece set in the loft
History of the Dora Kuhn Company:
In 1911 August Kuhn, a master wood turner, was working at
the Oberpollinger Department Store in Munich, Germany.
During his spare time in the company workshop, he made
toy furniture for his daughter Anna.
When the boss saw the
miniature works of art, he immediately put in an order.
Within a year the Kuhn Company was born.
In the beginning they made cabinets and room box dollhouses.
In 1932 August's son Franz married a young
lady named Dora. Dora's father was concerned
about the future financial security of his daughter.
As part of the marriage negotiations and dowry,
the company changed it's name to Dora Kuhn.
Franz and Dora had a daughter Christa.
Christa married Heinrich Holzle a master
carpenter. He brought skill and a keen
business sense to the company.
Paintings included the Tolzer Rose and the Kuhn heart.
The Kuhn's were a devout family.
The initials JHS
found on the cabinets represent Jesus His Savior
and Maria is the Mother of Jesus.
During the 1960's the company flourished.
Christa was the family painter, so furniture from
this period was most likely painted by her.
During their 104 year history, the company has
endured severe economic hardships, closed their
doors during WWII (1940-1947), moved to several
locations and suffered a devastating fire. The Kuhn
Company is still in business. They make finely crafted
dollhouse furniture in the traditional 1/12 scale
and slightly larger 1/10 scale in a natural finish.
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